How many clients and volunteers does ENVP have?

ENVP now has over 300 active clients who are served by 75 volunteers. We can always use more volunteers!

What does ENVP charge for its services?

ENVP and all of its volunteers do not charge for services provided.

Why do we limit the number of services for a day or a month?

Since we have many more clients than volunteers, services have to be limited to match available volunteers and their schedules.  Therefore, we have to prioritize services based on need and availability.

Why must requests for services be made at least a week in advance?

ENVP volunteers are busy people and the volume of client requests at times is overwhelming.  As a result it takes time to connect with an available volunteer and get needed services scheduled.

Are rides available on Saturday or Sunday?

Rides are available on only Saturdays based on need and availability of volunteers.

Is it okay to for a spouse or family member to come along on a transportation or shopping trip?

Yes, but the family member must also be registered with ENVP, this is due to insurance issues.

Why are certain services not available in the summer?

Because of the heat in the summer, outdoor services are not available during the hottest months.  Also, due to many volunteers being “Snowbirds” our volunteer list is much shorter, so most of our transports are limited to medical appointments and grocery shopping.